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lies and guilt tear you apart... What will it take for you to change?
When I met Ben Morris everything fell into place. My life made sense.
He gave me the life I always dreamed of. Sounds perfect, right? But,
what if your husband really doesn't know you? While he's at work
you're toeing the line of right and wrong? That your entire
relationship is not what it seems? I'm Lyla Morris and this is my
story of love, loss, forgiveness and healing.
Try not to judge me too
harshly until you know the truth.
In My Head is the story of Lyla and Ben, but at times feels
more like it is only Lyla’s story. They
meet in college, fall in love, and live happily ever after…..well, not quite.
This is my first book by S.L. Schiefer and I wasn’t
disappointed. I couldn’t stand Lyla
throughout almost the entire book. It
wasn’t until about 80% into the book that something seemed off to me. I thought
something big was going to happen or the author jumped the shark and created
things that didn’t need to be there. I’m
not going to tell you which one it was.
But by the end of the book I understood Lyla and had a
bigger appreciation for her and Ben’s relationship.
I adored Ben throughout the entire book. He was sweet and thoughtful and damn sexy.
Almost the entire time reading I thought this book would be
a 3 star read at best but the ending was great and not what I expected. Therefore, I’ve decided to give it 4 stars.
SL is an Ohio native. Loves Ohio State Buckeye football and Cleveland
Indians baseball. Mother of two little boys. Wife. Romance author.
Coffee and Dr. Pepper addict. Hair stylist in the real life.

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